Judicial Magistrate, Nagaon
Date: 03.10.2019
Applications are invited from Citizens
of India as defined under Articles 5 and 6 of the Constitution of India for filling
up the following Grade-IV posts in the establishment of Chief Judicial Magistrate,
1. Name
of Post: Interpreter
No. of
post vacancy: 01 post
Qualification: Class-VIII pass and fluent
in one or more of the dialects of Assam.
of Pay: (PB-1) Rs.12,000/- to
Rs.52,000/- G.P. Rs.4,400/-
of Interview: Written test English &
Assamese=50 marks, Viva voce=50 marks
2. Name
of Post: Peon
No. of
post vacancy: 02 posts
Qualification: Class-VIII and maximum
qualification being an undergraduate.
of Pay: (PB-1) Rs.12,000/- to
Rs.52,000/- G.P. Rs.3,900/-
of Interview: Written test English &
Assamese=50 marks, Viva voce=50 marks
3. Name
of Post: Chowkider
No. of
post vacancy: 01 post
Qualification: Being under Matric
of Pay: (PB-1) Rs.12,000/- to
Rs.52,000/- G.P. Rs.3,900/-
of Interview: Written test English &
Assamese=50 marks, Viva voce=50 marks
- The number of posts advertised is indicative only and may increase or decrease at the time of final selection.
- The candidate should not be more than 38 years of age and less than 18 years as on the last date of submission of application. The upper age limit will be relaxed in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD as per rules admissible.
How to
Apply: The duly filled up
application in standard form along with attested copies of testimonials and 3 (three) recent passport size photographs
should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 03.10.2019 and same be dropped in the Drop Box labeled “Drop Box of Applications for the Post of
Interpreter, Peon & Chowkider” kept within the premises of C.J.M. (Nagaon), S.D.J. (M), Hojai,
S.D.J.M. (M), Kaliabor or to send by
post to the Office of the Chief
Judicial Magistrate, Nagaon.
- Candidates shall fill the Application Form and paste his/her recent passport sized coloured photograph in the given space of the application form and shall sign across the photograph. Four copies of the same photograph should be stapled in the top right corner of the application form and the candidate should write his/her name on the reverse of the stapled photographs. The envelope containing the application form should mentioned it is for which post and be super scribed a “Application for the Post of …………………….”
- Any application Form which is not complete or is not accompanied with 3 passport size photos & Xerox copies of relevant documents would be summarily rejected.
- List of eligible candidates, date place & time of written examination and/or interview will be hung in the Notice Board in the establishment of C.J.M. Nagaon, S.D.J.M. (M), Kaliabor & S.D.J.M (M), Hojai on 01.11.2019 and also notified in the Official website of Nagaon Judiciary (www.nagaonjudiciary.gov.in).
- No separate Call Letters will be sent to the candidates.
- No. T.A./D.A. will be paid for appearing in the written test/interview.
- The Pension and other retirement benefits will be governed by “the new defined Contributory Pension Scheme” of the Govt. of Assam.
- Person working in Govt. Service may apply through proper channel and they will have to submit “No Objection Certificate” from proper authority at the time of Viva-Voce and checking of original document, if shortlisted for viva voce.
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- Official Website: Click Here