Date: 09/11/2019
Information: Tripura University
(Tripurauniv) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of Viva-Chancellor
latest vacancies 2019. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.
Vacancy Details
Name: Vice-Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor, being the academic as well as administrative head, is expected
to be:
•A visionary with proven leadership
qualities, administrative capabilities as well as teaching and research
•Having an outstanding academic record
throughout and a minimum of 10 years' experience as a Professor in a University
system or in an equivalent position in a reputed research and/or academic
administrative organization.
•Preferably not more than 65 years of
age as on the closing date of receipt of applications of the advertisement
and Service Conditions
• The post carries a pay of Rs.
2,10,000/- (Fixed) per month with Special Allowance of Rs. 11,250/- and other
usual allowances.
• The terms and conditions of the
services will be those as set forth in the Act, Statutes, and Ordinances of the
for appointment
• The appointment will be made from a panel
of names recommended by a Committee constituted under the provisions of the
Tripura University Act.
• The advertisement and the format of
application is available on the websites http://mhrd.gov.in and
How to Apply:
The applications in the prescribed
proforma should reach within 30 days from the date of the publication of this
advertisement, by Registered/Speed Post to:
Secretary (Central Universities)
of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD,
No. 325, 'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110115
"Application for the post of Vice
Chancellor, Tripura University", should be super-scribed on the envelope.
This Department is not responsible for
postal delay
Important Dates
Last Date to Apply Offline: 09-11-2019
Important Links
Advertisement: Check Here
Application Form: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here