of Ayush Assam Recruitment 2020
Short Information: Director of Ayush, Assam
is current
employment news for the recruitment of official website www.ayush.assam.gov.in notification for the posts “Grade-III
& Grade-IV” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are
interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read
Advertisement and Apply.
Application Process: Offline Mode
Location: Dispur,
Last Date:
Total Vacancies: 07 nos.
of Ayush Assam Vacancy Details 2020
1. Post Name: Office Supervising
Assistant/Storekeeper-cum –Accountant (Grade-III)
No. of Post: 01 (UR)
Essential Qualification: Candidates should have Graduated or
equivalent from any recognized University and Diploma of 1 (one) year in
Computer application. Preference will be given to candidates having graduation
with IT from any recognized University.
Working Experience: Preference will be given on working
experience in a similar field.
Scale of Pay Band with Grade Pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- +
2. Post Name: Computer Operator (Grade-III)
No. of Post: 01 (UR)
Essential Qualification: Candidates should have Graduated from
any recognized University and Certificate/ Diploma of 6 (six) months in
Computer application i.e. MS Office etc.
Working Experience: Preference will be given on working
experience in a similar field.
Scale of Pay Band with Grade Pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- + Rs.6,200/-
3. Post Name: Typist cum Computer Operator
No. of Post: 01 (OBC)
Essential Qualification: Candidates should have Graduated from
any recognized University and Certificate/ Diploma of 6 (six) months in
Computer application i.e. MS Office etc.
Working Experience: Preference will be given on working
experience in a similar field.
Scale of Pay Band with Grade Pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- + Rs.6,200/-
4. Post Name: Driver (Grade-III)
No. of Posts: 02 (UR-01 & OBC-01)
Essential Qualification: Candidates should have passed minimum
HSLC from any recognized Board with valid LMV Driving License.
Working Experience: N/A
Scale of Pay Band with Grade Pay: Rs.14,000/- to Rs.49,000/- + Rs.5,000/-
5. Post Name: Office Peon (Grade-IV)
No. of Posts: 02 (UR-01 & OBC-01)
Essential Qualification: Candidate should have passed minimum
Class-VIII from recognized Institute.
Working Experience: N/A
Scale of Pay Band with Grade Pay: Rs.12,000/- to Rs.37,500/- + Rs.3,900/-
Age: Not be less than 18 years and more than 38
years as on 01.01.2020. Relaxation is
applicable for SC/STP/STH candidates as per rules.
of Director of Ayush Assam Recruitment 2020
a) For the post of Office Supervising Assisting/Storekeeper-cum-Accountant:
(General Maths:
30 marks, General English: 25 marks, General Knowledge: 25 marks = total: 80
b) For the Post of Computer Operator:
(General Maths:
30 marks, General English: 25 marks, General Knowledge: 25 marks = total: 80
c) For the Post of Typist cum Computer
(General Maths:
30 marks, General English: 25 marks, General Knowledge: 25 marks = total: 80
d) For the Post of Driver:
(General Maths:
30 marks, General English: 25 marks, General Knowledge: 25 marks = total: 80
d) For the Post of Office Peon:
(General Maths:
30 marks, General English: 25 marks, General Knowledge: 25 marks = total: 80
How to
Apply of Director of Ayush Assam Recruitment 2020
The candidates may submit the application in the Standard Form published
in the Assam Gazette. The envelope containing the application should be super
scribed “Application for the post of Office Supervising
Assistant/Storekeeper-cum-Accountant/Computer Operator/Typist cum Computer
Operator/Driver/Grade IV (Office Peon)” along with 3 (three) copies of recent
Passport size photographs duly signed and dated by the candidates on the reverse side of those, one of which should be pasted on the application.
The candidates
should submit their self-attested copies of all relevant documents as mentioned
a) Educational
b) Age
Proof Certificate.
Experienced Certificate.
Certificate issued by Competent Authorities prescribed by the Govt. regarding
their status SC/STP/STH/ OBC/MOBC.
Certificate of Valid Employment Registration Card.
Valid Driving License (LMV) (Applicable only for the post of Driver).
A self-addressed envelope of (25cm x 11cm) affixing unused postal
stamp of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only) to be submitted along with the application.
The application should be addressed to the Director of Ayush, Assam, Banphool Nagar Path, Dispur, Guwahati-781006 and
should reach the same on or before 15/02/2020 (5:00 PM).
Date of Director of Ayush Assam Recruitment 2020
Last Date for
submission of application: 15-02-2020 at 05:00 PM
Web Links of Director of Ayush Assam Recruitment 2020
Standard Form
Assam Gazette: Click Here
Detailed Advertisement: Check Here
Official Website: Click Here