Police Recruitment 2020
Short Information: State Level Police Recruitment Board
(ALPRB), Assam has current employment news for the recruitment of
official website www.slprbassam.in notification
for the posts “Jail Warder” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates
who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria
can read Advertisement and Apply.
Application Process: Online Mode
Location: Assam
Last Date: 25.03.2020
Total Vacancies: 173 Nos.
Police Vacancy Details 2020
Post Name: Jail Warder
No. of Post: 173 [153+38]
→Unreserved: Male (116+21) & Female (11+07)
→OBC/MOBC: Male (04) & Female (01)
→STH: Male (08) & Female (Nil)
→STP: Male (04) & Female (01)
Educational qualification:
i) Essential
- For Male Warder
a) HSLC or Class X passed from a
recognized Board.
Candidates should produce undertakings as to know bi-cycling.
Essential - for Female Warder
a) Must have passed Annual examination of Class
VIII or an equivalent examination recognized by the Government.
Age limit: Candidates should not be more than 38 years
and less than 18 years of age as on 1st January 2020. The candidates
must be born on or before the dates shown below to apply:
→General: 01.01.1982 to 01.01.2002
→OBC & MOBC: 01.01.1979 to 2002
→SC/ST: 01.01.1977 to 2002
How to
Apply of Assam Police Recruitment 2020
→Online applications from the eligible candidates (male candidates
who completed HSLC or Class-X & Female candidates who have passed Annual examination
of Class-VIII or an equivalent examination recognized by the Government after
the publishing of the advertisement, will
be received w.e.f. 05-03-2020 to 25-03-2020 through SLPRB website www.slprbassam.in. However, the candidates who applied earlier need not
apply again.
Date of Assam Police Recruitment 2020
→Start date for
Online Application: 05-03-2020
→Last date for submission
of Online Application: 25-03-2020
Web Links of Assam Police Recruitment 2020
→Proceed to Apply Online: 05-03-2020 [Click Here]
→Detailed Advertisement: Click Here | Here
→Official Website: Click Here