TPSC Recruitment 2020
Public Service Commission (TPSC), Agartala has released employment news of
official website www.tpsc.gov.in notification for the recruits 22 posts of “Sub-Inspector of Police (Men) (Un-Armed
Branch), Group-C Non-Gazette” in the latest vacancy 2020.
Application Process
Online Form
Last Date
05th October 2020
Name of the Department
Home Department, Govt. of Tripura
TPSC Vacancies Details 2020
Sub-Inspector of Police (Men)
(Un-Armed branch)
No. of Posts: 22 [SC:04, ST:07 & UR:11]
Qualifications: At least graduate in
any discipline.
Scale of Pay: Rs.34,700/- New pay matrix level-10
Age: Minimum 21 years and maximum *28 years as on
01.01.2020. Maximum age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in case of SC/ST
Physical Measurement of TPSC
Recruitment 2020
•Gender: Men
•Height: 168.00 Cms, relaxable up to 5 cms, i.c. 163.00
Cms for ST candidates.
•Chest: 79.00 Cms (un-expanded) and 84.00 Cms
(expanded) for those with height of 168.00 Cms and above 76.00 Cms
(un-expanded) and 81.00 Cms (expanded) for those with lesser height.
•Weight: Body weight shall be determined according to
the Body Mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 29.5.
Selection Procedure of TPSC Recruitment
Selection process will consist three successive stages namely:-
(i) Physical Efficiency Test (as per Standard norms
mentioned in the Advertisement).
(ii) Written Examination (200 marks, conventional
type) and
(iii) Personality Test (20 marks.)
(a) The eligible candidates will be required to
undergo physical efficiency test to be conducted by the Tripura Police.
Efficiency Test: For Unarmed branch (Men)
standard of the physical efficiency test will be that of ‘One star standard’
[100 Mtr. Run – 15 sec., Long Jump – 3.80 Mtr, Shot Put (7.26 KG) – 5.60 Mtr,
High Jump-1.20 Mtr, 800 Mtr, Run – 2 Min. 50 Sec.] of the National Physical
Efficiency Test as fixed by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Education.
(b) The candidates who achieve one star standard
and thereby qualify in the physical efficiency test will be required to sit for
a written examination which will be followed by personality test, both to be
conducted by the TPSC. The maximum marks for the written examination and the
personality test shall be as follows:-
examination - Full marks-200
test – Full marks-20
to be covered by written examination and full marks and duration of each paper
of the written examination shall be as follows:-
(Basic Knowledge) ---------------20
(Basic) --------------------------20
(Basic) --------------------------------20
Full Marks: 100
Duration: 3 hours
knowledge and current affairs of the whole country
Full Marks: 100
Duration: 3 hours
Application Fee of TPSC Recruitment
(a) Group-C Posts: - Rs.150/- (Rupees one hundred
fifty) only for General Candidates and Rs.100/-(Rupees one hundred) only for
ST/SC/ BPL card holders/Physically Handicapped Candidates.
(b) SC/ST Candidates of other States (not
recognized by the Govt. of Tripura) must deposit fee as General Candidates.
Recruitment fee so deposited, is non refundable.
How to Apply TPSC Recruitment
will have to submit application through Online Application Portal only. The
Commission will not entertain any hard copy application. Before submission of
online application, read carefully the instruction to candidates.
Important Web Links of TPSC
Recruitment 2020
Detailed Advertisement
Process to Apply Online
10/09/2020 [Live]
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