DC Office Recruitment 2021: 42 Grade-III & IV Posts

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DC Office Recruitment 2021: 42 Grade-III & IV Posts


DC Office Kamrup Recruitment 2021


O/o The Deputy Commissioner (DC) has released current employment news for the recruitment 42 posts of Junior Assistant (Gr.-III), Office Peon (Gr.-IV), Jarikarak (Gr.-IV) and Mali (Gr.-IV) Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Online Form

Job Location

Kamrup :: Amingaon

Last Date

21st January 2021

Recruitment Board

Niyukti Assam



Deputy Commissioner Kamrup Vacancy Details 2021



1. Junior Assistant (Grade-III)


No. of Posts: 20 (UR-EWS: 01, Unreserved: 09, OBC/MOBC: 04, SC: 01, STP: 03 & STH: 01)


Educational Qualification:


i) The candidate must be a Graduate in any discipline from a recognized University.


ii) The candidate must possess a minimum 6 (Six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer Application from an Institute recognized by the Government.


iii) They must have good working knowledge of office productivity software tools (independent) of any operating system, i.e. MS Windows, Linux, MAC etc) such as Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Basic Understanding of database, Internet, email, Social Media etc.


Pay Scale: Rs.14000-60500/- + GP Rs.6200/- + other allowances



2. Office Peon (Grade-IV)


No. of Posts: 14 (UR-EWS: 02, Unreserved: 07 & OBC/MOBC: 04)


Educational Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Pay Scale: PB, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- + other allowances.



3. Jarikarak


No. of Posts: 06 (UR-EWS: 01, Unreserved: 02 & OBC/MOBC: 03)


Educational Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Pay Scale: PB, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.4400/- + other allowances.



4. Mali (Grade-IV)


No. of Posts: 02 (Unreserved: 01 & OBC/MOBC: 01)


Educational Qualification: Class VIII Passed.


Pay Scale: PB, Rs.12000-52000/- + GP Rs.3900/- + other allowances.



Selection Procedure of DC Kamrup Jobs 2021


i) The candidates, who applications are accepted will be required to appear in an Objective Type Written Test to be held at specified venues as per date, time mentioned in Hall Tickets/Admit Cards/Class Letter.


ii) The examination will consist of the following subjects:-


1. General English including General Knowledge and Quantitative Aptitude (Marks earmarked for General English, General Knowledge and Quantitative Aptitude are 75, 50 and 25 respectively.


Total: 150 marks

2. Knowledge of Computer (Theory): 50 marks


3. Language Skills Test in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo/Alternative English: 50 marks.



Age limit of Deputy Commissioner Kamrup Jobs 2021


i) Candidates must not be less than 18 (eighteen) years and more than 40 (forty) years as on 01st January, 2021.


ii) Upper age limit is relaxable for 5 years to the candidates who belong to SC/ST.


iii) Upper age limit is relaxable for 3 years to the candidates who belong to OBC/MOBC.


iv) Age limit of candidates will be calculated on the basis of Birth Certificates issued by the competent authority, HSLC Admit Card/Certificates issued by the recognized Board/Council.


How to Apply DC Office Kamrup Jobs 2021


√The applications must be submitted online through nitukti.assam.gov.in/kamrup only and no other form of applications will be entertained.


The candidate should upload self-attested scanned copies of the following documents:-


1) Educational Qualification Certificate:


2) Age Proof Certificate (i.e. Birth Certificates issued by the competent authority or HSLC Admit Card/ Certificate issued by the recognized Board/Council.).


3) Caste Certificate, in case of candidate applying under the Reservation categories.


4) EWS Certificate issued by the competent authority.


5) Recent Passport size color photograph of size 3.5cm x 4.5cm with white Background.


6) Copy of 6 (six) months Computer Diploma/Certificate.


7) Scanned signature of the candidate (Black Ball Pen preferably).



Important Web Link of DC Office Kamrup Jobs 2021


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