Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020 − Apply 05 Posts For L.D.A (Junior Assistant)

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Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020 − Apply 05 Posts For L.D.A (Junior Assistant)

Settlement Officer Karimganj
Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020

Short Information: Office of the Settlement Officer, Karimganj has given released an employment news for the recruitment of the official website notification for the posts L.D.A (Junior Assistant)” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement and Apply.

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: Karimganj, Assam

Last Date: 27.03.2020

Total Vacancies:  05 Nos.

Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020 Details

Post Name: L.D.A (Junior Assistant)

No. of Posts: 05 [UR-02, OBC/MOBC-02 & STP-01]

Educational Qualification: The minimum educational qualification for the candidate shall be Graduate/ Degree Examination passed in any discipline from a recognized State/Central University or a degree equivalent there through recognized by State/Central Government.

*Candidate must have proficiency in basic computer application like MS Windows, Linux, MAC, EXCEL, PowerPoint, DT (English/Bengali), Spreadsheet, presentation of graphics, the concept of database, word processor, internet processing, e-mail, etc.

*Candidate must possess a minimum 6 months diploma in Computer Application from an institute recognized by State/Central Government.

Pay Band: Rs.14,000-60,500/- plus Grade Pay Rs.6,200/- with other allowances as admissible under Rule.

Remarks: Reservation for Women candidates’ equivalent to 30% will be applicable for each category of vacant posts.

Age: The candidates must not be less than 18 (eighteen) years and not more than 38 (thirty-eight) years as on 01/01/2020. The upper age limit is relaxable for 5 (five) years for SC & ST candidates, 3 (three) years for OBC/MOBC category candidates.

Syllabus of Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020

General English: 75 marks

General Knowledge: 50 marks

Quantitative Aptitude: 25 marks

Knowledge of Computer (Theory): 50 marks

Language skill in Assamese/Bengali/Bodo/Alternative English: 50 marks

Computer proficiency test (Practical): 50 marks

How to Apply of Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020

Applications are invited in Standard Form as prescribed in Part-IX of Assam Gazette, from the intending candidates who are the Citizens of India as defined in Article 5 to 8 of the constitution of India for filling up the above posts of L.D.A (Junior Assistant) in the establishment of Settlement Officer, Karimganj.

Applicants must submit the following documents/testimonials along with the application:-

3 (three) copies of recent and colored photographs of passport size signed and dated by the candidate on the reverse side of those. Having the name with date of birth to be superscribed at the front bottom of the photo.

Specimen Signature (in a separate sheet)

Photocopy of Admit Card, Pass Certificate & Mark Sheet of H.S.L.C. examination (self-attested).

Photocopy of Certificate & Mark Sheet of graduation (self-attested)

Photocopy of Computer proficiency Certificate (self-attested)

Photocopy of Caste Certificate (in case of reserved category candidate) (self-attested).

Photocopy of Employment Exchange Registration Certificate (having the up-to-data validity) (self-attested)

Experience Certificate, if any.

One self-addressed and stamped envelope of Rs.5 (size 24cm X 10cm) along with the application should be submitted along with the Application.

The application must be submitted in an envelope with the superscription on the body of the envelope “Application for the post of L.D. Assistant in Settlement Officer’s office, Karimganj with the name and address of the candidates.

Address for submission of application:-


Important Dates of Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020

Last date for submission of Offline Application: 27-03-2020 up to 5:00 p.m.

Important Web Links of Settlement Officer Karimganj Recruitment 2020

Assam Gazette Part-IX: Click Here

Detailed Advertisement: Check Here

Official Website: Click Here

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