Director Higher Education (DHE), Assam
has given released an employment news for the recruitment of the official
website dibru.ac.in notification for the post “Principal” in recent the latest
vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed
all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply
Application Process: Offline Mode
Location: Karbi Anglong, Cachar
Last Date: 11th August, 2020
Total Vacancy: 02 Nos.
Model Degree College (Karbi
Anglong and Borkhola, Cachar)
Advt. No. Janasanyog/D/2210/20
Principal Vacancy
Important Date
●Last date to
Apply Offline: 11-08-2020
Age limit
age limit of 55 years as per prescribed Rules.
Application Fee
fee in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- must be submitted in favour of
Secretary, Publication Board, Assam along with the application submitted at
the time of interview.
Vacancy Details
Post Name
Principal @ 02 Posts
●A Master’s
Degree with at least 55% marks or an equivalent by a recognized University.
●Ph.D Degree.
Professor with total experience of at least 15 years of teaching/research in
University, College and other institutions of higher education.
How to Apply
● Applications should be filled up in the
Prescribed Proforma must be submitted to the Director of Higher Education,
Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-19, through proper channel on or before
●The soft of the application to be sent via email id:
directorhigherassam123@gmail.com with a subject “Application for the
post of Principal of Govt. Model College” and hard copy to be submitted at
the time of interview only.
Important Web Links
Application Form
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